Wednesday 20 March 2013

Q6- Plan of speech

For our preliminary task we had to make a magazine that would be suitable for the school to publish, it was very different to the actual magazine that we then made later on in the year.
When we first started out with the magazine I was little confused and I think that I made the magazine look more like an information booklet than an actual magazine for a school but that's because we had never done anything like this before. On my final draft I realized that there were was a lot of blank white spar that hadn't been touched and that I hadn't really filled it with things like cover lines and headlines. I learnt that as I went on and started to make the music magazine that I actually needed things like the cover lines and the main headings to make it look like a real magazine and without them it would look again just like another information booklet.

Being able to use all different technologies to make this music magazine really also helped me in the production. For this task I used Adobe Photoshop and also Adobe In design. Using Photoshop meant that I could edit pictures to go onto my magazine, it helped me cut out any backgrounds or shadows that I did not want in the picture that would not make the magazine look professional. For the media product that I produced I used a professional SLR camera which really also helped my pictures look clean and precisely taken whereas in the premliminary task i used a normal digital camera that didn't give the pictures that edge and made them look just average.

I have also learnt that I needed. To take more professional pictures on a good decent camera and not just one that would take a picture and be all pixilated I also needed the white drop on the background just so the pictures looked professional and also so you couldn't see other people in the background that aren't meant to be there. I also learnt that every magazine needs a bar code as I didn't actually have one for the preliminary task and I need one to make it look professional.

I also learnt that it's all the little bits or detail that make it look like a real magazine, like the contents pages and the main stories inside, if your front cover doesn't match to the stories inside then what is the point of having that on your main page,because the front cover is what makes people buy the magazine. If they like what thy see on the outside then they are going to like what will be inside.
I also learnt how to properly use all the software that was needed to make the magazine as before I was so confused on where to put things, however now I am happy to use it and I could honestly feel confident enough to teach someone else the skills that I have learnt.

Having a preliminary task to do before actually starting the proper magazine meant that I knew what I was going to have to do to make the real magazine, we had a time limit and just like the other task we had to hand in drafts  to be told what we could do better and what we would need to do in order to get a higher grade. I felt that this was what helped me, as you can see from the images that the first task did not have enough to content to make it look like a real magazine. Comparing this now to my final task is very different. Going through the lessons we learnt what a real magazine looks like and what should be included in the magazine, we also looked at types of fonts and pictures to make it look believable  this really helped as to many fonts and pictures that don't relate mean that the audience you are trying to please wont actually find this appealing and probably wont buy the magazine.

Q5- How does your media product represent social groups?

Sunday 10 March 2013

Q4- Who would be your audience for your media product? How did you attract your audience?

For this task we had to create a power point that we could upload to slideshare. The question consisted of asking what their name would be, their age, where they lived? Their job/ what they study, and the last ten things that they bought.

Q3-What have you learnt about technology from constructing your product?

I started to look at different ways to upload my work to my blog, and make the work look different. We have been looking at all the different programs that we used to help us create the music magazine. I used power point to create this presentation but I used slide share to upload it.

Q2- What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

My music magazine, E is a music magazine for all different types of alternative music; I decided to make it an alternative music, as generally I think that there are too many pop magazines around and not enough people know about all these different type of music. The ideal readers of my magazine would be people that are aged from around 16-30. I think though if people like this kind of music then they will be more inclined to read and buy the magazine even if they were outside of this age range. I think that I will need a magazine company that might not have a range of music magazines as it can be something that is new and bright to their publications, however I don’t want to release my product to an old unsuccessful company as they may not print the magazine how I want it to, and they can really make it look not that nice. I think that if I was going to sell my magazine to a specific magazine company then it would have to go to an experienced and a well known company.
For my product I have decided to choose to sell my magazine and publish my magazine with Condé Nast, which produces popular and well-known magazines such as Vogue, Wired, Vanity Fair and GQ. These are all very successful and well known magazines and it could be really successful for my magazine.  I have decided to chose conde nast I think that they are the most experienced company, and they have the best selling fashion magazine vogue. Condé Nast specializes in specific fields, for specific readers such as technology fanatics or fashion enthusiasts. I think this media institution would be suitable for E as I want to target the music magazine actual specific readers and I want to make sure that I have been selling the music magazine to the right type of people. These are people that love alternative music and not just pop music.
I also think that Condé Nast would be the best company for my magazine to produce through as it has been producing magazines for such audiences for such a long time. It also has a  has a high reputation for producing high-quality, specialized and expert magazines in certain areas and I think that my music magazine needs exactly this expertise.

Even though Conde Nast doesn't actually produce music magazine it might good to the company and give them a breath of fresh air for their company, if the magazine is successful it could really increase their profit as they will producing yet another high class magazine.
Lastly, Condé Nast publishes and sells magazines all over the world. Vogue is a highly respected fashion magazine read in America and Europe and Wired, headquartered in California, is read both in Britain and in the USA. I hope that through Condé Nast, my magazine will also be as successful as vogue and wired and that it will be also sold over the world, I hope that nearly everyone will know about it and will be happy to read it, especially if they like alternative music.

Q1-In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge form of convention of real media products.