Thursday 24 January 2013

Multi-Culture photos

I recently took new pictures for the band that we have named Multi-Culture, these came out most definetly better quality than the last pictures, and I am certainley going to usethem for the magazine. I think the band name really goes with the band and seems more believeable rather than 0.5 oreo. These pictures I am thinking about using them as my double page spread, but making them into good quality cropping will be difficult as i have never done it before, but I will try to the best of my ability.
I think that if I show you the pictures that I have taken and then show the cropping and the de-shaddowing of the pictures you will be able to notice a huge difference and they automatically look better, and I need to make the pictures high quality for the magazine otherwise it may look unproffessional an not like a music magazine, which it is meant to look like.
Below you will be able to see the difference between 2 pictures that I have already down and that I am going to use. I used Adobe Photoshop to make the changes to the pictures, and I actually found using the Photoshop programme really useful, and it wasnt to complicated for me to use.


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