Monday 22 October 2012

Learning to use Adobe Photoshop

In Mondays lesson we started to look at how to use Adbobe Photoshop to edit pictures and put together a poster. We were given the pictures and resources that we would need to help use create this poster and then left to our own resources to make this happen.
First of all we had to open Adobe and then click on the picture that we needed to use to start off. It was an image of a sunset and we had to edit it so the picture was slightly more faded and actually looked like a background instead of just a picture.

We then had to place a picture of Amanda Seyfried in and use the tools down the side to make her the right size and also position her where we wanted her to go, we then chose Rasterize which allowed us to edit the picture how we wanted to.
After that we started to edit and crop out any of the peices of the pcture that we did not want to include.

We then had to insert a picture of Gerald Butler and repeat what we had to do to Amanda to make her the right size and then position him where we wanted him to go.
After editing Gerald we then had to go back into File and Place a picture of a love heart that had been hand drawn and once again we had to Rasterize it, and then making the picture translucent so all was left was the hand and then heart.
Finally we had to add the film credits along with the age certificate and then make the Title and comments onto the poster using our own words to descirbe the film using made up magazine names, and pretend comments.
This really gave me a sense of what using this type of technology was like, and although it was a bit of a struggle, I managed to do it, it sort of saved me from my fear of using these types of programmes and will now make it easier for me when I am going to use it for the real thing.

I really enjoyed this task as it gave me a sense of what I needed to do, and actually how simple Adobe Photoshop actually is to use.

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