Sunday 18 November 2012

Analysis of Qustionnaire.

For our homework we had to make a questionnaire that was based on the questions that we wanted to ask members of the public, we then had to print off 25 copies, and hand them out to people and ask them to fill them out. As you can see I have done some anaylsis and made graphs for the closed questions that were on my questionnaire.
As you can see from this graph, just over a quarter of the people that I asked were male. The women were clearly dominant in this part of the questionnaire
Although 16 people that I asked from the questionnaire were aged 14-18 I do want to aim the magazine from around 16-26 which is quite good as i got alot of younge peoples feedback.
The dominant genre of music that people that I asked do actually prefer Pop, which I dont really want my magazine to be about, as I beleieve that there arent enough generic music magazines.
Although most people don't actually buy music magazines, I really want to try and change that, I want people to buy them and I will try and do that with what I put in the magazine, as it will have to be good content.
With the artists that I have in my magazine, it may then promote the artists, and their gigs, which will better for them and also me if people like the interviews that I am doing in the magazine.

Plenty of people like freebies whih is good as I know that this might intise them to buy the magazine, especially if it has something that they like, that we are giving away.

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