Monday 26 November 2012

Preparation for magazine

As I have not yet taken my picture for my magazine, I started to make little things like the finishing touches for my magazine. I have started off with the barcode as we are not allowed to just copy and pate one off of the internet, and although it doesnt sound like the hardest thing in the world to do, it actually is quite tricky. I find it quite hard as I am not yet to sure where I want the number for it to go and also if it looks perfect, which it probally yet doesnt. I will later perfect it once the magazine is finished as I can then judge if it looks right on the magazine, and whether I will need to edit it. As you can see from the picture this is my first attempt of making the bar code.

I am hoping to take my pictures this week though, giving that the people turn up as I am going to be using people from outside of school, and I am going to be using atleast 5 people to star in the magazine. I am going to have a band of three people, and then a band of just two people. I will make up an interview, and interview questions that I can ask both bands, and hoperfully they will then give me sensible and quite detailed answers. I want my pictures to have quite a different feel to it, I dont want to have all pictures of what musical celebrities have been doing badly in the week.

I will probably also go and use props such as musical instruments and also clothing items that will make the boys look like a proper band. In class we have talked about how many picures we are going to take and I roughly want to take around 300 at the least as I need to have a wide range to choose from and then also gives me options whethere I will and also how I will edit them. If there is severe shaddowing then it will give me no option but to make sure they are perfect.

During this coming week I also want to try and make the articles that will go in the magazine and think of things that will feature on my contents page but not go onto the double page spread.

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