Friday 22 February 2013

2nd Draft

Front Cover
As you can see my front cover now doesn't have an image on the front of it, however it will do by the next draft. Although there is not set picture yet for my front page I have been working on the main cover lines and the titles and also the name of my magazine. I decided to put 'FREE CD INSIDE' on the front as I thought this was a good way of advertisement, not only will people now want to buy the magazine because it has their favorite artists on the front, but now because it has free music inside. I also felt that a free music poster of a band again was appropriate as it was cool to split the contents page features in to two and have the main weekly articles down the  as it is a music magazine.I will continue to use Adobe Photoshop to carry on working on this.

Contents page.
For my contents page I thought it was appropriate to have pictures that were going to be the main pages inside of the magazine. As you can see the picture that I used for my main story is the one that is the biggest. I also have the rest of the important stories down the side of the page along with their page numbers as this is what a real magazine looks like. Now I have handed in my second draft I feel like I could of done a bit more to make it look more professional for example I could of cropped the picture of Bradley holding the umbrella just so you cannot see the rest of the set, I could of also made some of the writing smaller so I could fit some more words on there and I could of also added more cover lines to go into the magazine.

Double Page Spread.

Although the pictures aren't quite finished with I actually really like my double page spread and I think it represents what a real music magazine would look like. However The cluster of the three pictures together mean that it sort of looks messy and may not be like a real music magazine, but I like the way that it has a main interview. I decided to separate the pictures from the writing as sometimes it can look messy and also the writing may not be representing what the interview is saying. These pictures also cover up a
lot of white space as I didn't want to make the interview any bigger.

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